office (505) 730-9053
fax (505) 771-3844

NRI Manufacturing Inc.

 "Driving the Future" TM

Corporate Responsibility

At NRI, we believe that a company should operate with uncompromising honesty and integrity that is a "responsibility" and not just some written words on a piece of paper that are to used from time to time. This standard must be adhered to at all times in all places by all people connected to the company to produce a strong corporate citizen that will not put the bottom line in front of its customers, employees, the community or the country we live in.

NRI has a commitment to strong Legal and Ethical Business Conduct Policies and will abide by those rules, not side step them for the benefit of the company.

We at NRI believe that our company operating with uncompromising honest, integrity and responsibility is just as important as the products we sell.